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what are the classification of variables

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Q: What are the classification of variables according to continuity of values in statistics?
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Classification of variables according of continuity of values?

Not continuous => Discrete variable. Continuous => Continuous variable.

What are 3 types of variables?

There are many ways of categorising variables. One classification, used in statistics, is Nominal, Ordinal and Interval.

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It measures associations between variables.

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The classic four Ps classification of marketing mix variables (product, price, promotion, and place) emerged as a marketing principle.

What are summary descriptors of data variables of interest in the population?

Sample statistics

What are explanatory and response variables in statistics?

Explanatory and Response variables are just fancy words for independent and dependent variables. Explanatory is the independent variable and response is the dependent variable.

What term refers to the descriptors of variables computed from sample data used to estimate those same variables in the population?

Sample Statistics

What are Numerical and pictorial information about variables are called?

Analytical statistics

What is bivariat data?

In statistics, bivariate data refers to data that comes with two variables.

What are the types of variables according to functional relationship?

The types of variables according to functional relationship are independent variables and dependent variables. Independent variables are inputs that are manipulated or controlled in an experiment, while dependent variables are the outputs that are affected by changes in the independent variables.

What are the kinds of variables and their classification?

There are two main ways in which variables can be classified:They can be classified according to their functional role intocontrol,independent, ordependent.They can also be classified by the values that they can take, intoqualitative: categorical eg apple, banana, orangequantitative: numerical data. these can be further classified into discrete or continuous.