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Q: What are the colours produced by a prism called?
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What is the name of the device that breaks up white light into its colours?

The device is called a prism. It refracts white light into its component colors by bending each color at a slightly different angle as it passes through the prism, resulting in a spectrum of colors being produced.

Shape tha produces spectrum of colours?

prism prism

What colors are in a light prism?

A light prism typically shows the colors of the visible spectrum, which include red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. These colors are produced when white light is dispersed and bent by the prism.

What devise can split white light into colours?

The device is a glass prism. A cross-section of a prism is an isosceles triangle.

What colours in order of a spectrum are produced by a prism?

When white light passes through a prism, it is refracted and separated into its component colors, forming a spectrum from red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, to violet (ROYGBIV). Each color has a specific wavelength and frequency.

Does the prism change the color of the light?

A prism does not actually change the color of light. Instead, it separates white light into its component colors through a process called dispersion. This dispersion is due to the different wavelengths of each color of light, causing them to refract at different angles when passing through the prism.

When light is spilt up into the colors of the rainbow its called?

refraction, do this by shining white light (all the colours) through a prism which then splits the wave lengths into sperate paths showing all the colours of white light. So white light has a specific frequency, shine it through a prism and you split the frequency up into smaller bits hence the colours of light.

You can use this object to split light into its colours?

A prism can be used to split light into its colors through a process called dispersion. When light enters the prism, it bends at different angles depending on its wavelength, causing the colors to separate based on their individual wavelengths.

How does a prism form visible light?

A prism separates white light into its spectrum of colors due to the phenomenon of refraction. As light passes through the prism, it bends at different angles depending on its wavelength. This causes the different colors of light to spread out and become visible as a rainbow spectrum.

When a light passes through a prism it spreads into a spectrum of colours what is spreading effect called?

The spreading effect when light passes through a prism and separates into different colors is called dispersion. This occurs because different wavelengths of light are refracted by different amounts as they pass through the prism, causing them to spread out into a spectrum.

What is the Visible?

White light is composed of many colours. When these colours combine, they look white. One way of showing that white light is composed of different colours is to make white light pass through a glass prism. This splits up the white light into its constituent colours. I f you hold a screen in its path, you will see a band of colours. This band of colours is called the spectrum. Since it is visible to human eyes, it is called the visible spectrum.

What did newton prove with this prism?

dispersion of white light into its constituent colours