Sierpinski's Triangle
Sierpinski's Carpet
The Wheel of Theodorus
Julia Set
Koch Snowflake
...Just to name a few(:
Some common techniques for generating fractals would be to use iterated function systems, strange attractors, escape-time fractals, and random fractals.
There are infinitely many fractals so no list can exist.
Fractals were discovered in 1975 by a scientist names Benoit Mandelbrot.
Fractals that which includes the fourth dimension and with which we can identify that our body's veins and nature are self similar.
Some common techniques for generating fractals would be to use iterated function systems, strange attractors, escape-time fractals, and random fractals.
Pi is a number. There are no fractals of pi.
Crystals are usually not fractals.
They have the property of self-similarity. That is, they present the same image at all degrees of magnification.
Nobody. Fractals are not owned by anyone!
The Beauty of Fractals was created in 1986.
There are infinitely many fractals so no list can exist.
Fractals are used for computer generated terrains.
Fractals were discovered in 1975 by a scientist names Benoit Mandelbrot.
By their very nature fractals are infinite in extent.
The ISBN of The Beauty of Fractals is 0-387-15851-0.
No, they are not.