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Q: What are the common linear meassurements?
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Is diode linear?

If you consider it ON/OFF then no. It has other less-common purposes that are linear.

What does linear and quadratic functions have in common?

Type your answer here... yes linear and quadratic functions have some things in common such as letters and way of solution ;it is my answer

What are ways to represent linear equations?

One of the most common ways to represent linear equations is to use constants. You can also represent linear equations by drawing a graph.

What do an array and a stack have in common?

Both are linear data structures.

How do you determine if a function is linear or non linear?

by seeing if it has a common difference by subtracting the bigger number from the little number and getting the same number over and over and if it does that`s a common difference

Is a mile a common noun?

Yes, mile is a common noun, a general word for a linear measurement.

Is inch a common noun?

Yes the word "inch" is a common noun. A general word for linear measurement.

The two most common types of linear folds are?

The two most common types of linear folds are syncline (downward fold) and anticline (upward fold). These fold structures are formed as a result of compressional forces acting on rock layers, causing them to deform and bend.

What do all functions that are not linear equations have in common?

They all have in common ranges or outcomes with more than one possibility.

What are some common mathematical relationships encountered in physics?

quadratic, inverse, linear

What do linear pairs and vertical pairs share in common?

They are 2-dimensional vectors.

What is Linear and nonlinear elements of a network?

Linear elements :In an electric circuit, a linear element is an electrical element with a linear relationship between current andvoltage. Resistors are the most common example of a linear element; other examples include capacitors,inductors, and transformers.Nonlinear Elements :A nonlinear element is one which does not have a linear input/output relation. In a diode, for example, the current is a non-linear function of the voltage.Most semiconductor devices have non-linear characteristics.