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I'm not sure, but I think some problems are time consuming so they get bored and never want to do it.

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Q: What are the common reason that most of the students having difficulties towards mathematics subject?
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Why student fail mathematics?

Mathematics is believed to be the key for all other subjects but it is supperising that most students fail it and yet pass other subject.I believe there is no work that you can do without applying mathematics.Consider an individual walking from his home to work in the city, he has in mind how long it is from his home to the place of work and what time he takes to arrive at work and he therefore use mathematics to survive the challenge of travelling and arriving on time.The question now is why do students fail mathematics?I think students only fail the class room mathmatics but they have often applied mathematics in their daily lives to solve problems. The following are some of the reasone students fail mathematics:Negative attitude towards mathematics.Fear due to pressure from friends that mathematics is hard.Failure of the teachers to give proper and simple explanation of mathematical terms.Limited or even lack of learning materials by the students. consider the a student who is going in a lesson of bearing without a set and a culculator, this student can hardly get any thing and yet mathematics needs practice.Lack of enough practice by the students.

What contribution did Pythagoras make towards mathematics?


What is the easiest subject in the whole world?

i think mathematics is the easiest subject because when you get an equation it is made up of all the basic addition, subtraction, multiplication or division . it can sometimes be confusing but once you put your mind towards something you can do it. there is nothing impossible

What is optimization in mathematics?

Optimisation, in mathematics, as well as in other fields, is to make the "best of". Given a situation, it is often maximising a positive aspect (for example profits), or minimising a negative aspect (for example, costs) subject to a set of constraints (for example, the number of machines). There are also situations where the best solution is very difficult to find (the knapsack problem) but some procedures can guide you towards the best.

Discuss gender differences in attitudes towards mathematics and the factors that lead to such differences. Suggest ways of addressing such differences?

I believe they don't exist

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Many students fail in accounting is due to the lack of interest for the subject. If you can develop the attachment or liking for the subject then it will be easier to score good marks. Simply, if there is low motivation towards the subject do not study this subject .

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Why student fail mathematics?

Mathematics is believed to be the key for all other subjects but it is supperising that most students fail it and yet pass other subject.I believe there is no work that you can do without applying mathematics.Consider an individual walking from his home to work in the city, he has in mind how long it is from his home to the place of work and what time he takes to arrive at work and he therefore use mathematics to survive the challenge of travelling and arriving on time.The question now is why do students fail mathematics?I think students only fail the class room mathmatics but they have often applied mathematics in their daily lives to solve problems. The following are some of the reasone students fail mathematics:Negative attitude towards mathematics.Fear due to pressure from friends that mathematics is hard.Failure of the teachers to give proper and simple explanation of mathematical terms.Limited or even lack of learning materials by the students. consider the a student who is going in a lesson of bearing without a set and a culculator, this student can hardly get any thing and yet mathematics needs practice.Lack of enough practice by the students.

What contribution did Pythagoras make towards mathematics?


What is mathematics gearing towards K-12?

weak pa

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John Peter Zubek has written: 'Study of the local attitudes of high school students and adults towards the Doukhobors of southern British Columbia' 'A study of the local attitudes of high school students and adults towards the Doukhabours of Southern British Columbia' -- subject- s -: High school students, Attitudes, Dukhobors, Prejudices

What is the easiest subject in the whole world?

i think mathematics is the easiest subject because when you get an equation it is made up of all the basic addition, subtraction, multiplication or division . it can sometimes be confusing but once you put your mind towards something you can do it. there is nothing impossible

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P. Armitage has written: 'About Europe' 'Towards a model of the upper secondary school system' 'Mathematics and statistics in the life science' -- subject(s): Biometry, Medical Statistics

What constitute to the negative attitude of female towards the study of mathematics?

When they cbb to learn anything

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