Red and yellow.
all complementary colors are directly across from each other. Example: Purple---- Yellow or Blue--- Orange
That is exactly it, complementary means two angles that add up to 90 degrees. 25 is the complementary of 65, and vise versa.
No, complementary angles do not need to have the same vertex. Complementary angles are comprised of any two angles whose sum is 90 degrees. The definition of a complementary angle does not say that it needs to have the same vertex.
Without the diagram, we'd just be guessing.
yellow and black
go to the back of the catalog
Blue and White
Red and White.
1 yellow dah
Red and yellow.
i dont now
is one of demis fav coulors silver
any coulour especialy green and blue
You can get them in white, black and grey ones in the wild.
reds,yellows,greens,and grey!:D:D:D by brandi
Red, green, gold, white and blue.