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secular trend , seasonal variation , cyclic variation & irregular variation

population,technology;climate &weather condition,customs,traditions&habits;

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Q: What are the components of a time series What external factors might affect each of the different components?
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what factors how organizational affects the market?

There are different organizational factors which can affect the market. These can be both internal and external. internal factors include finance, research, and manufacturing. External factors can be political situation, economy, and suppliers plus competitors.

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External factors affect Marks and Spencer in terms of the buying power of customer. The marketing strategies of the company must also adapt to the external factors such as political, economic, technological, legal and environmental factors for the brand to continually thrive in a given location.

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The external environmental factors that affect the financial services industry include organizational direction, internal factors, and external competition. The socio-economics of a society also affects the financial services industry.

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Abiotic factors are esentially the non living component factors that affect the living organisms of the freshwater community. Such components do not affect the warthog

What are the internal and external factors in market factors?

Market environment consist of all factors that in one way or another affect or affected by the organization desicion.there are external and internal factors. Internal factor , these involve (5M's)ManagementManpowermachinematerial andmoney.External factors , these includeMacro factor and micro factors.Macro factors are the one that affect the organization indirectly, these are (pestel)Politicalenviromentsocia-culturaltechnological andEcologicalleagalwhile micro factors are those which affect the organization directly it involvecustomerscompetitorssuppliers andpublic