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A composite number has more than two factors whereas a prime number has only two factors which are itself and one

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1y ago

Composite numbers are positive integers that have at least one positive integer factor other than 1 and themselves. Prime numbers are positive integers that have exactly two positive integer factors, 1 and themselves. In other words, a composite number is any number greater than 1 that is not prime.

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Q: What are the composiite and prime nubers?
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What are the prime nubers between 20 -30?

They are 23 and 29

What are the prime nubers between 40 and 50?

41, 43, 47

How do you Write number 6 as a product of prime nubers?

It is; 2*3 = 6

How may prime nubers are there between 20 and 30?

Two of them and they are 23 and 29

The sum of what 2 prime nubers equals 30?

It is: 13+17 = 30

What are the prime nubers from 41-60?

41 43 47 53 59

What are the 5 prime numbers after 3?

The next 5 prime nubers are 5, 7, 11, 13, and 17.

Are there more prime or composite numbers between one and 50?

More composite nubers.

What are the prime nubers less than 10?

Prime numbers less than 10 are: 2 3 5 and 7

U r a composiite lair?

I am not a composite lair. A person that is a composite liar can never be trusted.

Why do you use prime numbers?

Prime numbers are nubers only divisible by themself and one like 3, 7, 13, 17, 19, 23 &&ct. they are a type of number you use them all the time.

How do you write 1.327 million in nubers?

It is 1,327,000.