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Q: What are the coordinate equivalents on the celestial sphere?
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Are the stars located with the respect to the celestial sphere on the surface of the sphere?

No, because there is no such thing as the celestial sphere. So there is no inner surface of a celestial sphere.

Are latitude and right ascension are coordinate systems used to find objects on the celestial sphere?

Yes, latitude and right ascension are both coordinate systems used for locating objects on the celestial sphere. Latitude is measured in degrees north or south of the celestial equator, while right ascension is measured in hours, minutes, and seconds eastward from the vernal equinox. Right ascension is analogous to longitude on Earth.

What is the other name of celestial globe?

Another name for celestial globe is celestial sphere.

Where on the Celestial Sphere are the plants?

Plants are not located on the Celestial Sphere. The Celestial Sphere is an imaginary sphere surrounding the Earth, used to map the positions of stars and celestial objects in the sky. Plants are living organisms found on Earth's surface.

Is the imaginary sphere on which all objects in the sky seem to be located called the celestial sphere?

celestial sphere A+

The imaginary sphere on which all objects in the sky seem to be located is called the celestial sphere.?

celestial sphere A+

What is the sphere that surrounds the earth?

celestial sphere

Where might you find the celestial sphere celestial equator and celestial poles?

The celestial sphere is an imaginary sphere surrounding the Earth, with celestial equator and celestial poles located on it. The celestial equator is an extension of Earth's equator onto the celestial sphere, while the celestial poles are the points where Earth's rotation axis intersects the celestial sphere. These features can be observed in the night sky.

What is the projection of earths equator on the celestial sphere?

Celestial Equator

What is the largest sphere of the earth?

The largest sphere that can fit around Earth is the geocentric celestial sphere. This imaginary sphere has Earth at its center and encompasses all celestial objects visible in the sky.

An imaginary sphere that surrounds the earth?

The imaginary sphere that surrounds the Earth is called the celestial sphere. It is an abstract sphere of infinite radius upon which all celestial objects are assumed to lie. It provides a convenient reference frame for locating celestial objects in the sky.

What is grid azimuth?

The azimuthal grid is a coordinate system that stays still while the stars move across it on the sky (the celestial sphere). It measures the altitude above the horizon and the azimuth (position along the horizon) of the celestial object at a particular time, for a particular place.