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Hydroelectric power has been touted as the 'environmentally clean, renewable source of power.' This is subject to debate, as hydroelectric dams use turbines to generate electricity, and these turbines are spun by shafts which have blades on them. Fish which get caught in the high-pressure streams of water directed at the turbine blades usually do not survive the encounter with the blades. Also, the impoundments, or lakes, behind hydroelectric dams slow the speed of the river so much that many young fish do not survive the long swim to the ocean, where food is plentiful in comparison to rivers. Of course, dams present a complete barrior to upstream migration, unless fish ladders are in place, and even fish ladders are not 100 percent effective, as many fish are unable to locate the ladders. Salmon populations upstream of Grand Coulee Dam, which does not have fish ladders, disappeared, except for the freshwater varieties.

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Q: What are the costs of hydroelectric energy?
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Is hydroelectric energy costly?

Hydroelectric energy can vary in cost depending on factors such as the size of the project, location, and infrastructure requirements. While the initial costs of building a hydroelectric plant can be significant, the operating and maintenance costs are generally low compared to other energy sources over the long term. Additionally, once the plant is up and running, hydroelectric energy can provide a reliable and sustainable source of power.

How much does hydroelectric energy cost per kw?

The cost of hydroelectric energy production varies greatly depending on factors such as location, size of the project, and construction costs. On average, the cost of producing hydroelectric energy can range from $0.03 to $0.09 per kWh.

What is hydroelectric energy or hydroelectric power?

hydroelectric energy is energy that comes from water

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How are geothermal and hydroelectric energy similar?

they both use turbines to produce electricity

What industries rely on hydroelectric energy?

Since hydroelectric energy supplies electricity, any industry that uses electricity from a hydroelectric plant relies on this energy.

Why is hydroelectric source of energy better than fuels for generating electrical energy?

hydroelectric energy is free to the fuel fossil

How does energy move through hydroelectric energy?

energy moves through hydroelectric energy because of all the heating and the movement of the whole source

What are examples of hydroelectric energy?

A water turbine dam is an example of hydroelectric energy. Hydroelectricity is an important part of the energy mix in the world.

How is hydroelectric power is a usable energy?

hydroelectric power is an important for producing the power in the low loss of is nothing but producing the we can easily produce the power from hydroelectric power plant.

Why is wind hydroelectric and geothermal energy resources not suitable for providing energy resources worldwide?

Wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal energy resources face limitations for widespread use due to various reasons. For wind energy, it requires specific wind speeds, consistent location factors, and can have visual and noise impacts. Hydroelectric energy is limited by suitable locations for large dams, environmental concerns, and effects on wildlife and ecosystems. Geothermal energy is restricted by specific geological locations, high up-front costs, and potential risks of earthquakes or emissions.