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same as one way anova

population variance equal among groups

noramlly distributed

independent samples

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Q: What are the criteria for duncan's multiple range test in statistics?
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Which function returns a total for a range with multiple criteria?

The SUMIFS function. It can do multiple criteria, whereas SUMIF does only one.The SUMIFS function. It can do multiple criteria, whereas SUMIF does only one.The SUMIFS function. It can do multiple criteria, whereas SUMIF does only one.The SUMIFS function. It can do multiple criteria, whereas SUMIF does only one.The SUMIFS function. It can do multiple criteria, whereas SUMIF does only one.The SUMIFS function. It can do multiple criteria, whereas SUMIF does only one.The SUMIFS function. It can do multiple criteria, whereas SUMIF does only one.The SUMIFS function. It can do multiple criteria, whereas SUMIF does only one.The SUMIFS function. It can do multiple criteria, whereas SUMIF does only one.The SUMIFS function. It can do multiple criteria, whereas SUMIF does only one.The SUMIFS function. It can do multiple criteria, whereas SUMIF does only one.

What is criteria range?

The Criteria Range is a range of cells that hold cells from which criteria are tested for functions in Excel.

What is the Excel formula for adding how many of a category?

It sounds like you are asking about the SUMIF function. SUMIF adds all numbers in a range of cells, based on a given criteria.=SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range)range = range of cells that you want to apply the criteria against.criteria = determines which cells to add.sum_range = range of cells to sum.

What is the meaning of the term spread in statistics?

Spread refers to the range of data the statistics represent. If the spread is too wide, then the statistics may not be reliable.

Compare and contrast descriptive statistics and inferential statistics?

Descriptive statistics are meant to describe the situation such as the average or the range. Inferential statistics is used to differentiate between a couple of groups.

What are common multiples of 20 and 25 from 1 to 100?

The only common multiple in the given range is 100.The only common multiple in the specified range is 100.

Explain different ways of evaluating work methods against a range of technical criteria and relevant project criteria?

[object Object]

What is a range in statistics?

It is the difference between the highest and lowest value in a set of data.

What has the author H Leon Harter written?

H. Leon Harter has written: 'The Chronological Annotated Bibliography of Order Statistics (The American Sciences Press Series in Mathematical and Management Sciences, Vol 20)' 'Order statistics and their use in testing and estimation' -- subject(s): Order statistics 'Tables for the use of range and studentized range in tests of hypotheses' -- subject(s): Order statistics 'The Chronological Annotated Bibliography of Order Statistics' -- subject(s): Order statistics, Bibliography

What is selection of multiple cells called?

A selection of multiple cells is oftenreferredto as a range.

What is the age range for infants?

Birth to 1 year old is the age range for infant CPR (a neo-nate has different CPR criteria).

A selection of multiple cells is called a?
