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a right angle is an angle that is 90 degrees

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Q: What are the definition of a right angle?
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What is the geometric definition of a right angle?

A right angle's size is 90 degrees

A right angle has one angle of 90 degrees?

Yes, a right angle by definition is an angle of 90 degrees

What is definition of a right angle used in math?

A Mathematically Definition Would Be: If An Angle Is a Right Angle, Then It's Measure Is 90 Degrees. We Talked About This In Math Today :)

How do you calculate the angle of a right angle?

The definition of a right angle is an angle measuring 90 degrees. You don't have to calculate anything.

What is the definition of a right triangle?

a triangle with one right angle

A right angle how many degrees?

By definition, a right angle has 90 degrees.

What is an example of definition by negation?

Definition by negation is a solution to a right angle statement.

What is the definition for right angle?

It is a 90 degree angle, which can be formed by two perpendicular lines.

What has no right angle?

The answer could be as given by Fredy Kimath although that depends on the definition of an "obsolute angle": a phrase which is not recognised. A circle has no right angle.

Does a right angled triangle have a 90 degree angle?

Yes, the definition of a right triangle is that it has a 90 degree angle

Why can't an obtuse triangle not have a right angle?

Because an obtuse angle is greater than 90 degrees by definition and a right angle is 90 degrees by definition, so an obtuse triangle would need to have both a right angle and an obtuse angle, which would exceed the number of degrees than a triangle can have, which is 180 degrees.

What is the definition of hypotenuse?

Ths side opposite the right angle.