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MEAN: The mean is the average of a group of numbers. How to do it example: Let's use the numbers 10, 5, and 6. Now add them up and what do you get? 21. Divide 21 by 3, since you started out with 3 numbers. What do you get? 7. 7 is your mean (average).

MEDIAN: The median is the middle of the numbers from least to greatest. *HOW TO REMEMBER*: The median in a road is the middle. Anyway, let's use the numbers 3,6,5,4, and 7. Write them down from least to greatest. 3,4,5,6,7. Cross each number off as you find your way to the middle. So first, you would cross out 5, then 7, then 4, then 6. What number do you have left? 5. 5 is your median.

MODE: The mode is the most. *HOW TO REMEMBER*: There is an o for the second letter in mode and most. Let's get started. Let's use the numbers 4,6,5,7,7, and 3. What number has the most repeats of itself? 7 because there are 2 7's. 7 is your mode.

Hope this helps you out!

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Find the average of both medians to find 'the median'.

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If you have 2 medians, add them together, and divide by 2.

What do do you do when you have two medians?

If the two medians you have are the same then that will be your answer but in the case of two different medians you will need to find the middle of them. e.g. if u have 13 and 15 your answer will be 14 because it is exactly in the middle but for two medians such as 7 and 10 your median will be 7.5

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If you have 2 medians you have to add them both together and then divide by 2 then you have your median!!

What can you do when there are two medians in a set of numbers?

Then all you do is add those two medians and then divide them by 2.