Decimals that terminate or repeat in some fashion are rational, while decimals that expand forever are irrational.
A recurring decimal is a rational number, a non-recurring one may be rational (for example 0.2 = 1/5) or irrational.
They are irrational.
Rational, since it can be expressed as a terminating decimal.
irrational, if it's is not tons of #s after the decimal that means its terrminating irrational
Decimals that terminate or repeat in some fashion are rational, while decimals that expand forever are irrational.
A recurring decimal is a rational number, a non-recurring one may be rational (for example 0.2 = 1/5) or irrational.
The difference is that rational numbers stay with the same numbers. Like the decimal 1.247247247247... While an irrational number is continuous but does not keep the same numbers. Like the decimal 1.123456789...
It is a rational number.
It is rational. An irrational number is a number that you cannot define by a fraction or a decimal. Since you wrote it as a decimal, it is rational.
It is rational.A number cannot be both rational and irrational.
A repeating decimal is rational.
It is rational. An irrational number is a number that you cannot define by a fraction or a decimal. Since you wrote it as a decimal, it is rational.
They are irrational.
A decimal number can be rational or irrational.