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A polygon is 2 dimensional. In the English language, when we say the word solid, we're thinking something 3 dimensional.
a polygon is something that isn't like whole but a solid shape is a shape that is finished

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Q: What are the differences between a polygon and a solid shape?
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What is the difference between a polygon and a solid shape?

The main difference between a polygon and a solid shape is that polygons are two dimensional. In contrast, solid shapes are three dimensional objects.

Is a hexagon a plane shape or solid?

A hexagon is a 6-sided plane shape (polygon). A hexahedron is a 6 -sided solid shape.

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Liquids have a fixed volume but take the shape of their container, while solids have a fixed volume and shape. Liquids have higher molecular mobility compared to solids, allowing them to flow and take the shape of their container.

Why a cube is not a polygon?

A polygon is a two-dimensional shape. A cube has three dimensions, and is thus not a polygon.A three-dimensional solid shape (such as a cube) is called a polyhedron.

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A is a solid consisting of a polygon a point not in the same plane as the polygon and all points between them.?


What Is a solid consisting of a polygon a point not in the same plane as the polygon and all the points between them?

It is a pyramid.

What is solid consisting of a polygon a point not in the same plane as the polygon and all the points between them?

It is a pyramid.

What is the difference between a two dimensional shape and a solid shape?

the difference between a two dimensional shape and and a solid is that a two dimensional shape is plane and a solid you can see the whole shape a the inside.

What is a solid shape with 5 sides called?

Well a solid shape with five sides is called a polygon! * * * * * Totallly wrong answer! It is a pentahedron. That could be a triangular prism or a quadrilateral pyramid.

A is a solid consisting of a polygon a point not in the same plane as the polygon and all points between them?

pyramid newtest3

Can a polygon be a solid?

No. A polygon is a plane area bounded by straight lines. The key term in this context is "plane". It is, therefore, 2 -dimensional shape. A solid, which is bounded by faces that are polygons, is called a polyhedron (plural = polyhedra).