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Independent variables are things we cannot control. Like time, even though Einstein has shown that it is relative, I cannot make time go faster or slower in my world. So time is an independent variable for most (almost all) situations. It can also be thought of as the quantity that is being measured.

Dependent variables can be changed/manipulated by the experimenter. Lets say you want to investigate volume of a gas as compared to the pressure. you might be able to change the pressure (that is what Robert Boyle did) and then measure the volume as it changes.

Control variables -- sometimes a topic has more than just two variables affecting the outcome, so you 'control' or keep one or more of these variables constant (the same) during the experiment so that it does not effect the outcome. Look at the pressure/volume thing. Boyle realized that the amount of gas could not be allowed to change nor could the temperature. Both of these would effect the outcome. So he kept those constant. He made them control variables so the could be ignored.

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Q: What are the differences between independent dependent and control variables?
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What is the differences between independent and dependent variables?

One is dependent and one is independent

The difference between the independent and dependent variables?

Independent variables are variables that can be changed in an experiment, while dependent variables are variables that change as a result of an experiment. In other words, independent variables are what you change, and dependent variables are the results of the experiment.

What is the differecnce between independent variables and dependent variables?

Every time the independent variables change, the dependent variables change.Dependent variables cannot change if the independent variables didn't change.

13 What is the relation between dependent and independent variables?

Independent variables are those that you change in an experiment. Dependent variables are the ones that you measure in an experiment. Dependent variables are influenced by the independent variables that you change, so they are dependent upon the independent variable. Generally, experiments should have only one independent variable.

What the differences between the independent variable and dependent variable?

An independent variable is a variable which stands independent and is unaffected by other variables. A dependent variable is a variable which is a response to the independent variable, and is usually the factor that is being tested in an experiment.

What are the differences between independent and dependent variables?

Independent variables are controlled or manipulated by the researcher to determine their effect on the dependent variable. Dependent variables, on the other hand, are the outcome or response that is measured in an experiment. The independent variable causes a change in the dependent variable.

As the independent variable increases the dependent variable does what?

Depends on the relationship between the independent and dependent variables.

Distinguish between independent and dependent variables?

They are respectively the ones you control (independent) and the ones you mesure (dependent).

If the independent variable increases what happens to the dependent variable?

It depends on the relationship, if any, between the independent and dependent variables.

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Both variables and both part of an experiment.

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