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Qualitative data

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Q: What are the differences in the ways that data can be collected in biological research?
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Data research procedure?

Data research procedure include information on how data is collected, when it was collected, and who is responsible for data collection. Where data was stored and how to ensure data is correct are also part of data research procedure.

Why genomics be important for evolution research?

Biologists can use computer databases to study molecules of evolution and the patterns similarities and differences in biological data

Differences between primary data and secondary data?

Primary data is data that is collected by the researcher. Secondary data is information that has been collected by someone other than the user.

What do researchers mean by secondary data?

Data collected after any research to gather primary data.

How can data be collected?

There are several ways that data can be collected that include interviews and research. Other methods used to collect data include surveys, phone calls, and by direct observation.

The development of an experimental research plan should not include a?

conclusion based on data expected to be collected in the experiment

What is empirical research?

empirical research or empirical study means: data has already been collected and analyzed.

Why is bioinformatics important for genomics research?

To organize and analyze biological data .

What are differences with grounded theory research from other forms of qualitative research?

Grounded theory research is a systematic approach that allows theories to emerge from the data through a process of constant comparison and theoretical sampling. Unlike other forms of qualitative research, grounded theory does not begin with a preconceived theory or hypothesis. It aims to develop a new theory or framework based on the data collected.

What does the word data mean in scientific terms?

Information collected during research or an experiment.

What word in research methods means to manipulate collected data to draw a conclusion?


What was the source of the data collected in the research example given by Schaefer?

the General Sociological Survey