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Q: What are the different heads on Victorian coins for?
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How many VC 2006 Victorian Cross coins were made?

Two coins issued Cross = 12,087,000 Soldier = 10,000,500 Circulation coins; different for proof issues

How two heads differents one?

They would come from 2 different coins.

If you flip 5 coins how many possible outcomes are there?

If each coin is a different color, then there are 32 possible outcomes. If you can't tell the difference between the coins, and you're just counting the number of heads and tails, then there are 6 possible outcomes: 5 heads 4 heads 3 heads 2 heads 1 heads all tails

How many different ways can you get 3 heads and 4 tails with 7 coins?

7C3 = 35 ways.

A fair nickel and a fair dice are tossed once outcomes match when both coins land on heads or both coins land on tails What is the theoretical probability of a match?

The probability of 2 coins both landing on heads or both landing on tails is 1/2 because there are 4 possible outcomes. Head, head. Head, tails. Tails, tails. Tails, heads. Tails, heads is different from heads, tails for reasons I am unsure of.

How many possible outcomes for flipping 2 coins?

Assuming the coins are fair, two-sided coins, and landing on their sides is not an option, there are four possible outcomes if you consider coin a having a head and coin b having a tail being a different instance from coin a being a tail and coin be having a head. Here they are; Coin A | Coin B Heads | Tails Heads | Heads Tails....| Heads Tails....| Tails

What is the probability of 2 coins landing on heads?

well since the coins have two sides,there is a 50% chance of it landing on heads

What is the probability of getting 2 heads when 2 coins are tossed?

The probability of tossing two heads in two coins is 0.25.

Two coins are tossed What is the probability of both coins are heads?

The probability that both coins are heads is the probability of one coin landing heads multiplied by the probability of the second coin landing heads: (.5) * (.5) = .25 or (1/2) * (1/2) = 1/4

What is the probability of toss two heads with 2 pennies?

There are four different ways that two coins can land: T T T H H T H H. Only one of them is two heads, so if the coins are fair, then the probability is 1/4 = 25% .

Two coins are going to be tossed 780 times Predict the number of times 2 heads will be tossed?

Half the time they will be the same, half the time they will be different. Half of the time that they're the same they will be heads, half the time they are the same they will be tails. It's your homework, YOU figure it out. The way I figure it. There are four options: 1) heads / heads 2) heads / tails 3) tails / heads 4) tails / tails By process of chance, one out of four times both coins will be heads/heads. Therefore 780/4 = 195 times.

45 coins 5 out of every 9 are heads the rest are heads?

A total of 45 are heads. and a total of 45 are tails