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The different kinds of stunts in gymnastics are individual stunts, dual stunts and group stunts. Individual stunts are performed by a single person, dual stunts are performed by partners and group stunts are performed by 3 or more persons.

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Q: What are the different kinds of stunts?
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How many stunts can the Air Hog copter do?

The Air Hog-Copter can perform many different stunts. They sell it along with a manual that explains how to do twenty different stunts, from barrel rolls to spins.

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A person who performs different stunts, especially in movies, is also known as the stuntman.

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Four types of stunts?

They're are many types of cheerleading Stunts. The most popular include, preps, extensions, libs, scorpians, scales, areobesks, bow and aero, and one that is not too common, a needle. When trying these stunts, remember to stretch out alot and have a stunt group that you trust. Always have spotters when trying new skills

The three most difficult cheerleading stunts?

There are any different types and categories of stunts, so this is very hard to say. What I'm about to say only applies to stunts based by 4 people, not single based (partner stunts), or any sort of pyramid because those are a different category. For stunts based by 4 people ( 2 bases, a backspot, and a frontspot) The most difficult are: Basket Tosses: Baskets with skill in them such as twists, pikes, flips, toe-touches Single legged Extended Stunts- such as lib, scale, heel-stretch Extensions

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