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Q: What are the different laws of integer exponents?
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How are the laws of rational exponents similar to laws of integer exponents?

The laws of exponents work the same with rational exponents, the difference being they use fractions not integers.

When there are 2 exponent question what do you do to the exponents if the base is different?

the base and the laws of exponent

When adding numbers with fraction exponents do you add the exponents?

Fractional exponents follow the same rules as integral exponents. Integral exponents are numbers raised to an integer power.

How to solve integer exponents?

Positive exponents: an = a*a*a*...*a where there are n (>0) lots of a. Negative exponents: a-n = 1/(a*a*a*...*a) where there are n (>0) lots of a.

What are exponents in math?

An integer exponent is a count of the number of times a particular number (the base) must be multiplied together. For example, for the base x, x^a means x*x*x*...*x where there are a lots of x in the multiplication. The definition is simple to understand for integer values of the exponent. This definition gives rise to the laws of exponents, and these allow this definition to be extended to the case where the exponents are negative, fractions, irrational and even complex numbers.

What are the different laws of exponent in division?

There is only one law for exponents in division, and that is 1/ax = a-x

What are rational exponents and how are they related to integer exponents?

Rational exponents are exponents that are fractions or decimals. They are related to integer exponents because they represent a different way of expressing the same mathematical operation. For example, an integer exponent of 2 represents squaring a number, while a rational exponent of 1/2 represents taking the square root of a number.

What does the exponent or power mean in math?

An integer exponent is the number of times that a number is multiplied by itself. For example: if the exponent of a is 3, then it represents the number a3 = a*a*a. The laws of exponents can be extended to arrive at definitions of negative exponents [a-3 = 1/a3] and fractional exponents [a1/3 is the cube or third root of a]. These definitions can be further extended to exponents that are irrational numbers, or even complex number.

What have you observed from the exponents?

That they can have any value: integer, rational, irrational or complex.

When can you say that the term is a term of polynomials?

If a term consists of one or more of: a numerical coefficientnon-negative integer exponents of variable(s),then it is a term of a polynomial. If a term consists of one or more of: a numerical coefficientnon-negative integer exponents of variable(s),then it is a term of a polynomial. If a term consists of one or more of: a numerical coefficientnon-negative integer exponents of variable(s),then it is a term of a polynomial. If a term consists of one or more of: a numerical coefficientnon-negative integer exponents of variable(s),then it is a term of a polynomial.

Why do you use exponents?

Exponents are used in many different contexts and for different, though related, reasons. Exponents are used in scientific notation to represent very large and very small numbers. The main purpose it to strip the number of unnecessary detail and to reduce the risk of errors. Exponents are used in algebra and calculus to deal with exponential or power functions. Many laws in physics, for example, involve powers (positive, negative or fractional) of basic measures. Calculations based on these laws are simper if exponents are used.

What are three ways to write the number 1024 using exponents?

210, 45, 322 using integer exponents. But it can also be written as 10485760.5 or 162.5