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Command mode, and input mode. You switch between them using the ESC key.
The two modes of 'vi' are input mode, and command mode. In input mode all you can do is insert text, and in command mode you can make editing changes to existing text (by issuing commands).

Switching between the modes is accomplished by pressing the ESC (escape) key.

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Q: What are the different modes of vi editor?
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How many modes of operation does vi editor have?

At least three modes : input mode, command mode, and 'ex' mode.

Which mode of vi editor will be accessed by the colon?

There are two modes of 'vi' - the visual mode and the 'ex' (line mode) environment. By using the colon you are telling vi to switch to the line mode command environment used by 'ex' or 'ed'.

Is vi editor is same as DOS editor?

Not at all the same. Commands, interface, abilities are very different.

How insert the text in vi editor?

the text is inputed in vi editor by pressing the i key, that mean get the insert permission into vi editor

Can you use password in vi editor?

The 'vi' editor is a text editor; it can edit anything that is displayable ASCII text. You can edit a password in the password file using 'vi' (not recommended).

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You don't. The 'tar' command has nothing to do with the 'vi' editor; it creates an archive files and the vi editor modifies the content of a file.

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vi file name

Why is the vi editor called a bimodal editor and Explain?

Vi (pronounced vee-eye), the standard screen-oriented editor provided with Unix operating systems, is the ``visual'' mode of the Ex line editor. Both Vi and Ex commands can be issued from within Vi. Source-The Internet.

What is the function of Vi editor?

'vi' is the standard text editor for Unix. You use it to edit content of a text file.

What is the running process of vi editor?

Your question is uncleear; every time you start the 'vi' editor you get another process.

What are the utilities of Vi editor?

Unclear question - 'vi' is a utility

What is the vi text editor?

vi text editor is a standard text editor found in almost every flavor of Linux, it is the most preferred text editor by most Linux professionals, other text editors include nano and pico are also decent substitutes for the vi editor