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Q: What are the different shapes of telephones?
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Why are shapes and sizes of cell different?

Cells are different shapes and sizes because they have different functions. The functions dictate the shapes and sizes.

How are areas of regular shapes calculated?

There are different formulae for different shapes.

What is two shapes that are different sizes called?

If they are the same shapes but differ only in size, then they are SIMILAR shapes. Otherwise, they are simply different shapes.

Why clouds forms different shapes?

Clouds form different shapes due to various factors such as temperature, humidity, and air currents. The shape of a cloud can be influenced by the air's movement as it rises and cools, causing the water vapor to condense and form different patterns. Different cloud types also have characteristic shapes based on their formation processes and atmospheric conditions.

Can two shapes have the same perimeter?

Yes - even shapes with different area.

How do plant cells have different shapes?

To perform different functions plant cells assume different shapes

Why do shells have different shapes and sizes?

Shells have different shapes and sizes due to a variety of factors such as predator deterrence, protection, and ease of burrowing or attachment to surfaces. The shape and size help the shell perform specific functions, like providing protection for the organism inside or allowing for efficient movement or feeding. Additionally, genetic factors and environmental conditions can also influence the development of shells.

Can different shapes have the same Volume?

Yes many different shapes can have the same volume

Where can you find pictures of different types of telephones?

There are various places where you can find pictures of different types of telephones. Some of the sources include magazines from telephone companies, the internet and on sales catalogues among others.

How are organic shapes different from geomictric shapes?

Organic shapes are shapes with a natural look and a flowing and curving appearance.

How many shapes can a moon have?

A moon can have infinite shapes depending on its phase, orientation, and optical illusions. The most commonly observed shapes are full moon, half moon, crescent moon, and gibbous moon.

Why are animal earsall different sizes and shapes?

Because animals are all different shapes and sizes