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There would be an infinite number of possible sizes.

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Q: What are the different sizes of infinity?
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Are infinities different sizes?

It can be considered a philosophical question, without any real answer. But the easiest answer to this question is to consider the fact that an infinity is an infinity and have a beginning but no end. Then every infinity would have beginnings but no ends, so no matter how many you have, every infinity would still be equal to oneanother.

How can infinity be named infinity if it is undefinable?

In-finity or in-finite means not finite, not ending. It can certain be defined; there are different definitions for infinity. Better look up "infinity" in Wikipedia; because actually, infinity has different meanings in different contexts; even in math there are different meanings, depending on the context.

Can infinity be Exceeded?

Not really, although there are different orders of infinity.

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why are raindrops different sizes?

How many different types of infinity cars are there?

Infinity currently makes 14 different models for sale in the U.S.

Why are shapes and sizes of cell different?

Cells are different shapes and sizes because they have different functions. The functions dictate the shapes and sizes.

What kind of number is infinity?

"Infinity" means different things in different context. As the size of a set, there is actually not one number infinity, but several: some infinities can be larger than others.

Is it possible infinity is just an incomprehensible number?

No and you must appreciate that there are different infinities that are different sizes one to another. For instance there are and infinite number of divisions you can make between the number 0 and 1. It therefore follows that between 0 and 2 there must be 2 times infinity number of divisions. Dealing with infinite series is a branch of mathematics which is still an area of discovery.

Why are euros different sizes?

They are different sizes to aid the blind/visually impaired

Can infinity be an element of a set?

Yes.The set of {Aleph-null, Aleph-one, ...}, which is the set of the different infinities, has infinity as an element.Aleph-null is the countable infinity.

What is the result of dividing a number by zero?

You can not divide by zero - it is not defined. Presumably you get infinity, but there are different types of infinity.

Does a trampoline enclosure come in different sizes?

Yes they in fact go come in different sizes to accommodate the different sizes of trampolines. There are also some which are adjustable as well.