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Hi The different types of Alphabet of lines are:


-cutting plane lines.

-Short breaking lines.

-Border lines.

-Invisible lines .

-Ditto or hidden lines.

-Center lines.

-Long break lines.

-Section lines.

-Dimension lines

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Q: What are the different types of alphabet lines?
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As with the Roman alphabet, which you may be familiar with it (since you are using it to read this answer), different letters have different symmetries.

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Lines BE and AC are?

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The lines that you have just drawn most resemble what letters of the alphabet?

The letters of the alphabet that are formed from straight lines are:AEFHIKkLlMNTtVvWwXxYyZz

What is the difference of English alphabet from other alphabet?

the sound is different,the spelling is different and how to say "alphabet" is different.