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From the simplest to more complicated, there are:

  • N, the set of Natural or counting numbers [0], 1, 2, 3, ...
  • Z, the set of all integers, ..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...
  • Q, the set of all rational numbers (Q for quotient). These are numbers of the form p/q where p and q are integers and q is not 0.
  • Irrational Numbers, such as sqrt(2), e, cuberoot(171/2) and so on. These cannot be expressed in the form of a ratio and so are not rational.
  • Transcendental numbers are a special type of irrational numbers. Most well known irrational numbers arise as solutions to [non-constant] polynomials with rational coefficients. However, there are numbers such as pi and e (extremely important to mathematics) which are transcendental.
  • R, the set of Real numbers are made up of the rational and irratoinal numbers.
  • C, the set of complex numbers. These have a part that is real (as above) and a part that is iaginary - related to the square root of -1.
All these numbers originated in the human mind!
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Q: What are the different types of numbers And where did they originate from?
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