150 octane Avgas (no longer used)
100LL Avgas
98 octane premium leaded (no longer used)
95 octane unleaded
82 octane regular (no longer used)
80 octane Avgas (no longer used)
This is a hard question but there are about 200 different types.
there are over 1000 different types of years
The 4 different types of protists are to get away from bacteria,
The different types of symmetry in geometry are symmetrical and asymmetrical.
petrol is used to drive your car or to help power different types of electric!
Petrol is typically a light yellow or clear color, while diesel is usually a shade of green or light blue. The color is due to the different additives and dyes used to differentiate between the two types of fuel at petrol stations.
In the UK, the most common petrol types are: Ordinary unleaded - 95 RON Super unleaded - 98 RON Leaded Four Star - 98 RON
Petrol, carburettor Petrol, fuel injected Both can be normally aspirated or turbo charged Petrol two stroke Diesel, Normally aspirated or turbo charged Diesel, two stroke Rotary engine.
If you want to buy a petrol leaf blower, you should try looking at amazon.com. There are ten different types available there or you can try this website and look at their selection: www.petrolleafblower.org.uk/
Many use standard petrol, some use high octane petrol.
There are no types of gas present in petrol because it is basically a liquid that is used in cars and vehicles. Petrol is the UK term for gasoline.
RON95 and RON97
charcoal & petrol
Petrol (Gasoline) Diesel LPG Biofuel Hydrogen (theoretical - Gyro-Magnetical - as a source of energy)
oil, petrol is oil
The difference is that diesel is more oily than petrol, and is cheaper to produce.