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Q: What are the different ways people get water?
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What are the ways to provide water to thirsty travellers?

There are a number of different ways that people can provide water to thirsty travellers. The best option is to line up on the trail and offer bottled water as they pass by.

What are the different ways that people are using water that is causing a problem?

we are wasting a lot of water honestly. I am a green freak and save a lot of water or at least i try to. people also pollute water and there for it is also wasted.

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fishing swimming sailing farming giving water to houses

How do you get meningitis?

There are many different ways you can get meningitis you could get it by kissing other people and by sharing food, drinks, or water.

What are two ways water and ice are different?

it is different cause water is a liquid and ice is a solid

What are the different ways you can travel on water?

boat, seadoo, raft, canoe, kayak.

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finding ways to water crops with the least waste of water looking for ways to obtain water from the earth

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People have different interpretations because they have different opinions on the subject. The person may see the other side.

What are the different ways to get Gold out of water?

Coffee filter

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california's first people develop their different ways during the ice age

Do people in different cultures pray the same way?

No people do pray in different ways.

How is water symbolic?

water is symbolic in many different ways :-) 1)Hydration