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Q: What are the different ways people use herion?
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How many different ways can you use herion?

Snort..smoke or shoot. I wouldn't advise using it though. Most people never get clean.

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its the in technology now a days

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You use science in different ways such as 1. It is around you everyday. 2. You use science tools everyday too.

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The people use the river in different kinds of ways like some people use it for throwing rubbish in it and some people just use it to drink from and to admire.

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people use gems in different ways lke collecting them or make things out of them like rings or necklaces

How long will you test positive for herion after you use it?

three days

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Using the: -Sun -Moon -Seasons - Tides

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Individuals from different backgrounds may use communication methods in different ways including body language and use of gestures.Individuals from different backgrounds may use communication methods in different ways such as gestures and body language.

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Different people will define greatness in different ways. His greatness was evident the minute he took the ball in his hands.

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To use the watering can. And use his mind.

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Did frank lucas use herion?

Frank Lucas did only use heroin one time.