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Q: What are the different ways the supermarket uses ict?
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How does ICT help supermarket business?

They can order stock via the computers in the supermarket :) hope this helps :D

Does ASDA uses ICT?

Tesco use ICT in many many ways. -Checkouts -EFTPOS [Electronic Funds Transfer Point Of Sale] -Barcode Scanners -QR Codes Plus More

How does londis uses ict?

They dont

How does the public use ict?

ICT is an acronym that stands for "Information and Communication Technologies"Anyone with a computer, PDA, or cellphone uses ICT every day

List of ways ict can be used in Textiles?

i dont no

What is non ict sources?

Information,Communication and Technology. A non ICT source would be something that uses none of the above.

Why a footballer uses ict?

tv and something like thad

What are the business uses for ict?

facebook, youtube, publisher etc.

How has ICT changed the education system?

ict provides you with many different sources. The internet gives you information that you need, to not just give you a basic knowledge. overtime ict is used to create different tasks for people with different abilities.

What is the role of IT in education?

to broaden the information using new technologies

What are the uses of maths in ICT?

You can use maths in Flowcharts, Databases and Graphs.

How has ICT changed the way people shop?

=Ict has changed our lives in many ways back a long time ago when computers didnt exist things were alot different if you worked at a shop you would have to use a calculator now you use a computer and that does all the work for you.Now a days you use ict in many jobs e.g. shops, telemarketing, police, firemen and nurses and doctors use ict. mostly in schoolsEven televisions are run by ict.=