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In or out. Its not too complicated

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Q: What are the different ways to finger urself?
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The advantages of a Finger Joint is 'Go kill urself and die!'

How many different ways are there to finger a girl?

As many as there are guys and girls.

How did the first sewing machine work?

You would put your finger under the needle< so u didnt have to stab urself

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Different types of metalloids?

for this u have to get urself enrolled in metallurgy majors

How do you spin a drumstick?

There a couple of different ways, one which is like twirling a baton, like cheerlesders do; then you can spin it around your finger.

Why is music and dance important?

because those are some of the few ways to actually express urself! its super important!

What to do when you still see white stuff and not blood in your period?

its the nail polish from your finger! uve been fingerin urself too much. and it made the blood white

Why are your finger prints unique?

because each person is different and has different finger prints ,depends were u put ur finger.....

What are two ways finger printing is used for identification?

we identify finger prints by yousing acompute scanner

What is the difference between finger prints?

Nobody's finger prints are the same. Every person in the world has different finger prints. Even identical twins have different prints.

Can you have two different finger prints?

Yes, it is possible to have different fingerprints on each finger. Each person's fingerprints are unique, even between their own fingers. No two fingerprints, even on the same person, are the same.