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Q: What are the dimension of a goal net?
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Nominal Dimension Lumber is what it's cut to and Net dimensional Lumber is what it actually is.

What is soccer net?

The net at the end of the goal.

What is own goal?

where u score a goal in your net

Who can shoot at the goal in net ball?

The Goal Shooter and Goal Attack can shoot.

When shooting for a goal and you missed a net is that considered a shot on goal?


What happens if the puck goes in the net while it is in the air?

If the entire puck crosses the goal line and goes into the net, then it is a goal.

Does lsu field goal have a net?


Does netball has a goal keeper?

The answer is yes, netball does have a goal keeper, the goal keeper is up the other end to the end that you are shooting and they have to protect the net and not let the opposition get the ball into the net.

What is dimension of 5 aside pitch plus goal mouths?

1 inch

What is a good wood for a soccer net?


What is the net of a soccer goal made of?


Is it true that for a goal to count it must hit the net or the ground?

No, in order to score a goal, all you need is for the ball to fully cross the goal line. Even if the goalie stops the ball from hitting the net, it is still a goal if the ball has crossed the line.