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It's basically a circle with an added third dimension of height.

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Q: What are the dimensions of a cylinder?
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How many gallons are there in a 37 inch tall 21 inch diameter cylinder?

Assuming the dimensions given are inside dimensions, the cylinder will hold 55.75 gallons - less if the dimensions given are outside dimensions.

The volume of a cylinder increased by 8 times the original volume How many times greater are each of the dimensions of that new cylinder?

the dimensions of the cylinder would be 2 times greater. We just had a test on this stuff and this was one of the questions.

What is a cylinder half full in liters?

we need dimensions to figure that out

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What causes a cylinder to have a small surface area?

Simply its dimensions

What is the height of a cylinder with an area of 10 square meters including the ends and a diameter of 75cm?

These dimensions are not possible for a cylinder.

How many dimensions define a volume?

For a box, the dimensions the define a volume would be:Height, Width, and DepthFor a cylinder, the dimensions that define a volume would be:Height and Diameter

If the dimensions of a cylinder are doubled will the volume be 8 times greater?


Which cylinder has a greater volume?

That of course will depend on their dimensions of which none have been given

What is the water volume of a 4 inches by 4 ft cylinder?

A cylinder with these dimensions has a volume of about 2.61 US gallons of water.

Why is a shadow of a cylinder a square or a rectangle?

Because of the dimensions of the cylinder, once shadowed, the shadow resembles a rectangle due to the flat top of the cylinder and the smooth surfaces.

Write any two properties of a cylinder?

Two properties of a cylinder are that they are both curved and have 3 dimensions. Two properties of a cylinder are that it is rounded and it is three dimensional.