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Secondary data means information that has already been processed and collected by somebody else.

Disadvantages are, for example:

-The information can be biased

-The information may not perfectly suit you research objective (information may be qualitative)

These two main points are decisive and non-debatable enough.

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Assuming that you are referring to secondary data analysis or the analysis of existing data sets, the primary disadvantage is that you have no control over what has been collected, and most likely no direct contact with respondents to clarify data issues.

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Disadvantage of secondary data?

Secondary data may not answer fully answer the research questions of a study. It is also hard to establish its validity, and if proper sampling and data collection methods were employed.

Advantage disadvantage of secondary Data?

Advantages to the secondary data collection method are - 1) it saves time that would otherwise be spent collecting data, 2) provides a larger database (usually) than what would be possible to collect on ones own However there are disadvantages to the fact that the researcher cannot personally check the data so it's reliability may be questioned. See: The link above is primarily on the use of secondary data for purposes of calculating statistics. In this electronic age, secondary data is disseminated very rapidly, such as credit card or employment history. You may want to browse the internet about problems when personal secondary data is widely available.

What is external secondary data?

External secondary data - data that is obtained outside the firm itself.

Sources of secondary data?

Secondary data is a data collected by someone other than the user. Secondary data for social science include censuses and organizational records.

What are the different forms of data?

Data can be classified into various forms such as structured data (organized into rows and columns), unstructured data (text, images, videos), semi-structured data (mix of structured and unstructured data), quantitative data (numerical), qualitative data (descriptive), primary data (first-hand) and secondary data (collected by others).

What is secondary data in marketing?

Secondary data is data that was collected from someone else an already exists for a different purpose. Using secondary data is usually the easiest and cost effective way of gaining data for marketing.

Where can one receive secondary data?

You can receive secondary data online from sources such as Censuses and qualitative research. You can learn more information about Secondary Data online at the Wikipedia.

Example of secondary data?

Secondary data is data collected from other sources than your own such as reference books or the Internet.

Primary data and secondary data?

primary data is where you get o fact off a computer or from a book secondary data is where you get a fact of someone and it might not be true

Primary data secondary data?

primary data structures

Differences between primary data and secondary data?

Primary data is data that is collected by the researcher. Secondary data is information that has been collected by someone other than the user.

What is the differnce between primary and secondary data?

Primary data is the the data that collected by yourself. While secondary data is those collected by others and to be reused by yourself.