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Q: What are the disadvantages of money measurement concept?
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What is money measurement concept in accounting?

Money Measurement Concept in accounting, also known as Measurability Concept, means that only transactions and events that are capable of being measured in monetary terms are recognized in the financial statements.

What is money measurement concept?

It is a pre-condition, that only those transactions which can be measured in terms of money are to be recorded.

What is the examples of money measurement concept?

The business office, stocks, and company cars are examples of the Money Measure Concept. It is sometimes called Measurability Concept and means that only events and transactions that can be measured in monetary terms is recognized in the financial statement.

What is the Historic cost concept?

The historic cost concept is an extension of the money measurement rule. It requires transactions to be recorded at the "original" cost. The changes in prices or values will be ignored.

Account Money measurement concept?

only those transactions which can be measured in terms of money are recorded.Since money is the medium of exchange and the standard ecnomic value, this concept requires that those transactions alone that are capable of being measured in terms of money be only be recorded in the books of accounts

What is advantages of Money measurement concept?

1. easily to known about it because mainly all type of transaction is based on money in accounting. is continuous process. is never ending process.

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one disadvantage is that we could get a measurement mixed up with another measurement.

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Not universal

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