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Q: What are the disadvantages of two dimensional parity check?
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How is simple parity check related to the two dimensional parity check?

The single parity check uses one redundant bit for the whole data unit. In a two dimensional parity check, original data bits are organized in a table of rows and columns. The parity bit is then calculated for each column and each row.

What is the error detection technique that can detect errors with only one bit?

(a) simple parity check (b) two-dimensional parity check (c) crc (d) checksum

How does longitudinal parity works?

Longitudinal parity, sometime it is also called longitudinal redundancy check or horizontal parity, tries to solve the main weakness of simple parity.The first step of this parity scheme involves grouping individual character together in a block, as fig given below 1.1fig.Each character (also called a row) in the block has its own parity bit. In addition, after a certain number of character are sent, a row of parity bits, or a block character check, is also sent. Each parity bit in this last row is a parity check for all the bits in the Colum above it. If one bit is altered in the Row 1, the parity bit at the end of row 1 signals an error. If two bits in Row 1 are flipped, the Row 1 parity check will not signal error, but two Colum parity checks will signal errors. By this way how longitudinal parity is able to detect more errors than simple parity.

Types of parity bits?

There are two types of parity bits.they are even and odd parity.

Is a triangle two dimensional or three dimensional?


What is two-dimensional?

What is two-dimensional

What is a Paribit?

Paribit is a combination of two words; Parity and Bit. In early nineties computing, a check digit or Parity Bit was assigned to a sequence of bits that were to be transmitted over a network. The parity bit was used for security and transmission verification purposes. It either made the entire sequence of bits, even or odd, depending on the checking mechanism being used. Transmissions today use a method called packets and does not employ the check digit method.

Why would you expect a CRC to detect more errors than a parity bit?

If there are two errors in a character, the parity may still be OK as two wrongs make one right, in this example. However such an error will not escape the CRC check as it is far more sophisticated and such a false positive is almost impossible to happen

Two communicating devices are using a singlebit even parity check for error detection. The transmitter sends the bye 10101010 and because of channel noise the receiver gets the byte 10011010. Wil?

The receiver won't detect the error, as a parity check bit only detects inversion of an odd number of bits.

Which of these applies to form one-dimensional two-dimensional or three-dimensional?

two-dimensionalOn a+ the answer is three-dimensional

Who shapes be defined as two-dimensional?

Nobody shapes can be defined as two-dimensional. All people are three dimensional. Nobody shapes can be defined as two-dimensional. All people are three dimensional. Nobody shapes can be defined as two-dimensional. All people are three dimensional. Nobody shapes can be defined as two-dimensional. All people are three dimensional.

Is a circle two dimensional?

A circle is two dimensional.