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Q: What are the eight levels of classification in order from smallest to largest?
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What are the 8 levels of classification from the largest to the smallest?

KingdomPhylumClassOrderFamilyGenusSpecies genus Family

Smallest eight digit number to the largest eight digit number?

10,000,000 is the smallest 8 digit number 99,999,999 is the largest 8 digit number

What size is mars largest or smallest?

Mars has a diameter of about 6,779 kilometers, making it smaller than Earth. Its largest volcano, Olympus Mons, has a diameter of around 624 kilometers, while the smallest features on Mars can be as small as a few meters.

What are the eight levels of classification from most general to most definite?

The eight levels of classification from general to most definite are domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

Is Venus the largest or smallest planet?

Venus is the third smallest planet of the eight. Mercury is the smallest, Mars is the next smallest, then Venus.

What are the eight levels of classification of a koala?

The eight levels of classification of the koala are:DOMAIN: EukaryaKINGDOM: AnimaliaPHYLUM: ChordataCLASS: MammaliaINFRACLASS: MarsupialiaORDER: DiprotodontaFAMILY: PhascolarctidaeGENUS SPECIES: Phascolarctos(leather-pouched bear) cinereus (ash-color)

When the eight levels of classification is listed from broadest to narrowest which is the sixth in the list?


Is titan the smallest planet in the world?

Titan is the largest moon of Saturn. The smallest of the eight planets is Mercury.

Is Neptune the largest or the smallest planet?

Neptune is a big planet but jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system and Mercury is the smallest.

How many levels of classification do scientist use today?

8 levels:DomainKingdomPhylumClassOrderFamilyGenusSpecies

What is phylum In The eight levels of classification?

Generally accepted with their own sets of evolutionary traits

When the eight levels of classification are listed from broadest to narrowest which level is the sixth in the list?
