Multiply the numerator (top) and the denominator (bottom) of the fraction by any non-zero number. You will have an equivalent fraction.
two equivalent fractions to 4 over 20 = 1/5, 8/40
equivalent fractions for 10 over 4 = 5/2, 20/8, 30/12
2 over 5 (2/5) 8 over 20 (8/20)
200/8 and 2020/808 are two examples.
1 over 5 8 over 20
two equivalent fractions to 4 over 20 = 1/5, 8/40
equivalent fractions for 10 over 4 = 5/2, 20/8, 30/12
2 over 5 (2/5) 8 over 20 (8/20)
200/8 and 2020/808 are two examples.
4 over 10, 2 over 5
1 over 5 8 over 20
4 over 10 8 over 20
1/2 and 4/8
8/10 16/20
They are: 4/5 and 8/10
2/5 AND 8/20
The following are equivalent fractions for 4/5: 8/10 20/25 80/100