Equivalent fractions are fractions that have the same value, but different "names"-denominators.
In order to make an equivalent fraction take the original fraction and multiply it by a fractions who's value is equal to 1 (whole). This is because multiplying anything by 1 doesn't change the value. (5 x 1 = 5)
Fractions with values equal to 1: 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5...
To find equivalent fractions for -4/5 just multiply it by one of these fractions.
Example: -4/5 x 2/2 = -8/10, -4/5 x 3/x = -12/15 etc.
That means -4/5 is equivalent to -8/10 and -12/15 and many more!
Equivalent fractions are multiples of the reduced fraction. -4/4 reduces to -1, so equivalent fractions would be -1/1, -2/2, -3/3, etc.
four twentys = eighty. Equivalent fractions are 80/1, 240/3
3/8 and 3/4 are not equivalent fractions
Four equivalent fractions for 7/15 are 14/30, 28/60, 56/120, and 112/240.
negative five
Equivalent fractions are multiples of the reduced fraction. -4/4 reduces to -1, so equivalent fractions would be -1/1, -2/2, -3/3, etc.
Yes the negatives cancel each other out
8/10 16/20
four twentys = eighty. Equivalent fractions are 80/1, 240/3
50/80, 25/40, 10/16, 491105/785768
one half or four eighths or five tenths or three sixths or eight sixteenths
3 fractions equivalent to four elevenths = 3/22, 9/33, 12/44
four and five eigths is a measurement of length in inches.
3/8 and 3/4 are not equivalent fractions
-0.0045 -0.45 -4.5
Four equivalent fractions for 7/15 are 14/30, 28/60, 56/120, and 112/240.