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Q: What are the example of root crops?
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Arithmetic with square roots?

You can combine square roots when you multiply or divide. For example: root(2) x root(3) = root(6). You cannot do the same for addition and subtraction. For example, root(2) + root(3) can't be simplified.

How is a square root different than a cubed Root?

As for example the square root of 64 is 8 but the cube root of 64 is 4

Can a negative have a cube root?

Yes as for example the cube root of -27 is -3

What is an example of an alegbraic equation?

(root of )

When is a radical simplified?

A radical is considered to be in simplest terms when:There is no fraction under the radical sign. For example, root(2/3) should be converted to root(2) / root(3) - and then, the other rules should be applied. There is no radical in a denominator. In the above example, you continue multiplying numerator and denominator by root(3), so you obtain root(6) / 3.No perfect square appears as a factor under a radical sign. For example, root(12) should be changed to root(4 x 3) = root(4) x root(3) = 2 root(3).A radical is considered to be in simplest terms when:There is no fraction under the radical sign. For example, root(2/3) should be converted to root(2) / root(3) - and then, the other rules should be applied.There is no radical in a denominator. In the above example, you continue multiplying numerator and denominator by root(3), so you obtain root(6) / 3.No perfect square appears as a factor under a radical sign. For example, root(12) should be changed to root(4 x 3) = root(4) x root(3) = 2 root(3).A radical is considered to be in simplest terms when:There is no fraction under the radical sign. For example, root(2/3) should be converted to root(2) / root(3) - and then, the other rules should be applied.There is no radical in a denominator. In the above example, you continue multiplying numerator and denominator by root(3), so you obtain root(6) / 3.No perfect square appears as a factor under a radical sign. For example, root(12) should be changed to root(4 x 3) = root(4) x root(3) = 2 root(3).A radical is considered to be in simplest terms when:There is no fraction under the radical sign. For example, root(2/3) should be converted to root(2) / root(3) - and then, the other rules should be applied.There is no radical in a denominator. In the above example, you continue multiplying numerator and denominator by root(3), so you obtain root(6) / 3.No perfect square appears as a factor under a radical sign. For example, root(12) should be changed to root(4 x 3) = root(4) x root(3) = 2 root(3).

Related questions

How would you define root crops?

Root crops would basically be vegetables that are harvested in root form. Potatos, radishes, and carrots would be examples of root crops.

Examples of root crops?

Root crops are the plants where the part harvested for use is underground. Potatoes, carrots, unions, beets, radishes, turnips, rutabagas, and peanuts are all root crops.

What are the major crops in region 2 in Philippines?

Root crops

What are the major crops in Regions 2 in the Philippines?

Root crops

Is root crops a go food?

No. Root crops are things like potatoes or carrots- the grain of rice is above ground.

What has the author I C Onwueme written?

I. C. Onwueme has written: 'Field crop production in tropical Africa' -- subject(s): Field crops, Tropical crops 'Tropical root and tuber crops' -- subject(s): Tropical crops, Tuber crops, Root crops

What are the division of agronomy?

cereal root crops ligumes industrial crops fiber crops oil crops pasture and silage

What crops Ghana grows?

The main food crops are corn, yams, cassava, and other root crops.

What are the root crops that contain sugar?


When the moon is full do you plant root crops?

What phase the moon is has no bearing on what crops you should plant.

What is the root word of granary?

The root word of "granary" is "grain," which refers to seeds of crops harvested for food. A granary is a storehouse for grain, typically used for storing and preserving harvested crops.

Where are crops grown in Alaska?

Potatoes and other root vegetables.