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Q: What are the examples of social variables?
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Since social security numbers have numeric values, a social security number is an example of a qualitative variable.


Examples of code will be shown. match it to the correct vocabulary. Variables are represented by ()

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Labour is a variable,Population,Stock etc are variables

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McCormick use combination of political,social and economic variables

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what are the examples of a social pathology in the work place.

Examples of constant variables in flame test?

The temperature of the flame.

What are some examples of a scientific variable?

Some examples of a scientific variable is Independent Variable Control Variables :)

Examples of Anti-social behavior?

There are many different examples of Anti Social Behavior.Like:VandalismSwearingGraffiti

How do you represent variation using variables?

ummm. that is a very good question but unfortunately and fortunately , i have the could use variables and examples.

Define the concept of culture Also describe the national cultural variables and individual cultural variables with examples?

they are what he country believes in most

What are examples of homeostatic variables?

Examples of homeostatic variables in the human body include body temperature, blood pressure, pH levels, and blood glucose levels. These variables are carefully regulated by various physiological mechanisms to maintain a stable internal environment despite external changes.