

What are the exercise variables?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: What are the exercise variables?
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Because there are two unknown variables.

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it depends on several variables, but on average: 1600-2400 ml/breath

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how fit the person you are measuring is, how cold it is, how much he person has exercised, if they have a virus, how long after the exercise you get a measurement. i believe that is all.

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A researcher is investigating the effects of exercise on weight. What are the independent and dependent variables in this experiment?

The independent variable is the amount or type of exercise that the participants engage in. The dependent variable is the participants' weight measurements.

Which research method do investigators use to exercise maximum control over the factors they are interested in studying?

Investigators use laboratory experiments to exercise maximum control over the factors they are interested in studying. This method allows researchers to manipulate variables, control the environment, and establish cause-and-effect relationships between variables.

In order to exercise maximum control over the factors hey are interested in studying?

Researchers often use experimental designs to manipulate and control variables to study their effects. By controlling these factors, researchers can isolate the specific variables of interest and draw more reliable conclusions about their impact on the outcome. This helps minimize confounding variables and increases the internal validity of the study.

What is the purpose of exercise psychology?

Exercise psychology aims to study the psychological factors influencing physical activity and exercise behavior. It helps understand how motivation, attitudes, self-perception, and other psychological variables impact exercise participation, adherence, and performance. The field uses this knowledge to develop strategies that enhance exercise motivation, engagement, and overall well-being.

Which research method do investigators use to exercise maximum control over the factors they are interested in?

Investigators use laboratory experiments to exercise maximum control over the factors they are interested in. This method allows researchers to manipulate variables directly to study their effects in a controlled environment.

How do the test variables and outcome variables in an experiment compare?

Test variables are the factors that are intentionally changed or manipulated by the researcher in an experiment, whereas outcome variables are the factors that are measured and affected by the test variables. Test variables are the independent variables that are controlled by the researcher, while outcome variables are the dependent variables that change in response to the test variables. The relationship between the test variables and outcome variables is explored to determine the effect of the test variables on the outcome variables.

How much can horses drink at one time?

Given an abundant water supply, a horse will drink water until it has satisfied its thirst. This will vary widely, depending on many variables. The temp. of the water, the temp. of the air, before exercise, during exercise, after exercise, etc. How much hay will a horse eat at one session? How much sweet feed will a horse eat?

How many variables are tested during an experiment?

There are three types of variables tested: manipulated variables, controlled variables, and experimental variables.