It is a composite number because it has more than two factors
5 x 103 = 515
The factors of 233357 are: 1 233357 The prime factors are: (233357 is a prime number)
All numbers have factors. Some factors are prime numbers. These are known as prime factors. 2 and 3 are prime factors of 6. 1 and 6 are not prime factors of 6.
The prime factors of 515 are 5 and 103.
The general factors of 515 are : 515, 103, 5 and 1. The prime factors of 515 are 5 and 103.
5 x 103 = 515
5 and 103
It is a composite number because it has more than two factors
The positive integer factors of 515 are: 1, 5, 103, 515
5 x 103 = 515
515 = 5 x 103
5 x 103 = 515
1, 5, 103, 515
By the rules of divisibility, you know that 515 is divisible by 5. 515 divided by 5 is 103. Since both 5 and 103 are prime and can't be divided further, stop there. The prime factorization of 515 is 5 x 103.