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Q: What are the fastest and slowest speeds to the thousandths that could round to 5.67?
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What are the fastest and slowest speeds to the thousandths that could round to 5.67. Explain.?

5.674 and 5.665 because that's how rounding works.

What are the fastest and slowest speeds to the thousandths that could round to 5.67 explain to me?

5.674 and 5.665 Anything higher than 5.674 would round up to 5.68 and anything lower than 5.665 would round down to 5.66

How fast is the slowest possible internet connection provided by MyInternet?

There are multiple plans with MyInternet. The slowest plan I could find was 384kbps. Even though they say they have blazing speeds 384kbps is extremely slow.

What is the fastest and lowest thousandths that could round to 5.67 meters per second?

5.665 to 5.674 mps

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Multiplying the speed of the fastest student by the slowest reaction time would give an estimate of the time it takes for the slowest student to respond. This product could be useful for trainers or educators in designing exercises or activities that cater to a wide range of student abilities, helping them optimize learning outcomes and engagement.

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200 or so ------------------------------------------------- The slowest BB gun ( NOT Airsoft or Pellet gun) that I know of is the Marksman 1010, it is rated at 200 FPS. The fastest BB gun I could find is the Crosman 2100 that is rated at 755 FPS. This gives you an average of 477.5 FPS Pellet guns and rifles can attain much faster speeds.

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The Gallimimus.It could run up to speeds of 60 kilometres an hour.

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How fast does a racehorse run a furlong in the fastest and the slowest?

Apparently there were three horses at this one track that could run a furlong in about 9 seconds. Usually it is fun in 10-12 seconds.

What is the fastest moving animal?

The fastest animal on earth is the Peregrine Falcon. It can fly at speeds of 55 mph horizontally, but when flying downwards they reach speeds of over 270 mph. This speed can not be match by any other animal in the world, be it on land, sea or sky. But if your talking about the fastest land animal it would be the Cheetah which can run upwards of 70 M.P.H

What science fair projects can I do that take 1 day?

You could test the amount of friction of different surfaces by rolling something across them, and seeing which time it went the fastest, and which time it went the slowest.

What are the fastest animals?

The peregrine falcon is the fastest animal in the world, whereas the cheetah is the fastest land animal. the tiger beetle is the fastest animal for its size (5-7mph), if it was the size of a human it could reach speeds of 300 mph, this question has been asked at least 6 times it is seven now