

Best Answer

They ar 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47

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Q: What are the first 15 prim numbers?
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What are prim and composite numbers?

a prim number is a number that only one and its self can go it to it ....... And a composite number is when other numbers can go in to it

What are the prim numbers?

prime numbers are numbers that their only factors are 1 and itself.

What are the next two prim number after 30 and 40?

Well, first of all, 30 and 40 are not prim numbers. Here is a list of prim numbers in that general neighborhood. There are others before and after these, but the answer to your question is most likely here in this list: . . . 19 . . 23 . . 29 . . 31 . . 37 . . 41 . . 43 . . 47 . . 53 . . 59 . . 61 . . .

What is a word that contains the root word prim?

The root "prim" means first; the beginning. For instance, prime means to be the first in quality, importance, or rank: prime numbers. Primer; what you have to use first before you paint. Primitive; earliest or first stage. Primp; what one has to do first before going out. Tiffany B.

What is the sum of the first 15 prime numbers?

the sum of the first 15 prime numbers is 328 .

What is the prim numbers of 740?

The prime numbers are: 2*2*5*37 = 740

What are all the prim numbers up to fifty?

The prime numbers up to 50 are: 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,23,29,31,37,41,43,47.

What are the prim numbers greater then 10 that are multiplied by 2?

There are none.

Are there any other even prim numbers besides 2?


What is the product of the prim numbers between 80 and 90?
