This is a very impotant thing to know of by heart the are A E I O U remember this for next time
5 vowels in the alphabet
There are five vowels. Notice that any of the vowels could be chosen from 0 though 5 times in any given combination. We therefore need the number of combinations of 5 from 5 _with replacement_. This is the number ( 5 + 5 - 1 ) choose 5 = 126.
5 Vowels in the English Alphabet.
ask your face
There are 3 consonants from 21 and 2 vowels from 5. That gives 21C3 * 5C2 combinations = 21*20*19/(3*2*1) *5*4/(2*1) = 1330*10 = 13300 combinations in all.
Aurelio has all five vowels, and there have been a few Aurelios in MLB history.
Can it only consist of vowels? Many words have 5 vowels. Queueing has five in a row.
Four vowels.
5 Vowels in the English Alphabet
The word "audio" has 5 letters and 3 vowels.
The number in vowels the "Immediately" is 5. AEIOU are all vowels.
5 vowels. 8 consonants. :)
There are five vowels in the word "sequoia."
all words have vowels in them
5 vowels in the alphabet