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The estimated trillion digits of pi are 27 trillion digits. An exact equal value would require an infinite number of digits and cannot be proved to any exact trillions.

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Q: What are the first exact trillion digits of pi?
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Related questions

How many digits are known?

There is 5 trillion digits of pi.

How many digits of pi have been discovered?

1.2411 trillion digits (1,241,100,000,000) digits of pi have been dicovered.

2.5 trillion numbers of pi?

There is no end to the digits of pi since pi is an irrational number it goes on forever and there is no end to it, so yes, there are much more than 2.5 trillion digits of pi

What is the highest recorded digits of pi?

Pi was calculated to 10 trillion digits on October 17, 2011.

What are pi's known digits?

The digits of pi are known to more than a trillion (1012) digits, but it is impossible to state all of them in this forum.

What are the most digits of pi found?

One trillion. * * * * * By October 2011 it was 5 trillion.

What are the first trillion diget of pi?

And what use can you make of so many digits? 10-15 digits are more than enough for any practical calculation. Anyway, search Google for "digits of pi", and you'll get several places where pi is listed to many digits.

Can you find the circumference of a circle using the exact value for pi?

No, because pi has no exact value, it is neverending. You can get close by using 3.14, but never will you get it exactly right. Up to date, about 4 trillion digits have been calculated.

How many known digits are in pi?

The decimal representation of pi, as of late 2011, is over 10 trillion (1013) digits.

How many digits of pi are known?

The decimal representation of pi, as of late 2011, is over 10 trillion (1013) digits.

How much digits of pi are known?

The decimal representation of pi, as of late 2011, is over 10 trillion (1013) digits.

Who has recorded the most pi digits and how many were there?

Alexander J. Yee and Shigeru Kondo have calculated 10 trillion digits of Pi.