None, since pie is not a number. However, there are 100230 threes in the first 1 million digits of pi.
50.012 million in digits is: 50,012,000
Have a look at the related link - it shows the first million digits !
There are 100230 '3's in the first million digits of pi.
You can get up to 100 million digits here:
there are 29 zeros in the first 200 digits of pi.
None, since pie is not a number. However, there are 100230 threes in the first 1 million digits of pi.
See below-
50.012 million in digits is: 50,012,000
Have a look at the related link - it shows the first million digits !
I'm sorry, but it is not practical to provide the first 20 million digits of pi in just 3-4 sentences. However, I can tell you that pi is an irrational number, meaning it has an infinite number of non-repeating digits. While it is possible to calculate and store a large number of digits of pi using computer algorithms, listing the first 20 million digits here would be beyond the scope of this format.
They are listed on the Related Link.