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Q: What are the first three whole numbers after 5000?
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What is the sum of the first 5000 odd numbers?

The sum of the first 5,000 odd numbers 25,000,000.

How much is three thirds of 5000?

Three thirds is equal to a whole. Therefore, 3/3 x 5000 = 5000.

What is the average of 5000 and 7000?

To calculate the average of two numbers, add them together, and divide the result by 2. (For the average of three numbers, you add up the three numbers, and divide by three, etc.) The average is (5000 + 7000)/2 = 6000

What are the five whole numbers that round off to 5000?

There are a lot more than 5. There are 9 of them if you round to the nearest tens not including 5000

When rounding to the nearest thousand what is the greatest number that rounds to 5000?

Half of 1000 is 500, so numbers in the range 5000 ± 500 round to 5000 to the nearest 1000 EXCEPT that numbers exactly half way round up. ie numbers greater than or equal to 5000 - 500 = 4500 and less than 5000 + 500 = 5500 will round to 5000 to the nearest 1000. So the largest whole number that rounds to 5000 to the nearest 1000 is 5500 - 1 = 5499.

Which of the numbers 4999 and 5000 appears first on the number line from the left?


Which numbers divided by 5?

I assume the question means "which whole numbers give a whole number when divided by 5?" The answer is those ending in 5 or 0. Such as 10, 15, 20, 25,.... 5000, 5005, 5010,

What 2 numbers that multiplied to get 5000?

A lot of numbers can. Think about the factors of 5000. 1*5000 2*2500 4*1250 ...etc.

How many natural numbers up to 5000 are perfect cubes?

The cube root of 5000 is approx 17.1 So the numbers 1 to 17 have cubes which are smaller than 5000 that is, there are 17 such numbers.

What is the sum of the whole numbers from 1 to 9999?

simple 1+9999 = 10000 and 2+9998=10,000 and 3+9997 =10000 and there are 4999 of these combinations plus the number 5000 by istelf so 10,000*4999+5000 = 49,995,000

What is the range of numbers for 5000 rounded to the nearest thousand?


What are the smallest and biggest whole numbers that round to 170000 to nearest 10000?

When rounding to the nearest whatever, half the number round up and half round down. → the numbers that round to 170000 to the nearest 10000 are 170000 ± (10000 ÷ 2) = 170000 ± 5000 However, if a number is exactly half way, the convention is to round them up, so the numbers in the range: 170000 - 5000 ≤ number < 170000 + 5000 → 165000 ≤ number < 175000 will round to 170000 to the nearest 10000 → smallest number is 165000 → biggest [whole] number is 175000 - 1 = 174999