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1.useful in areas which are difficult to be accesed while chain survey is limited 2.less subjective to errors,in comparison to chain survey which subjected with errors such as change in chain length 3.useful in surveying a large area since it uses transverse(taking bearing from observer to an object ana vice versa is true) is accurate method for mapping,compare to chain survey

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Q: What are the four advantages of plane table survey over chain and compass survey?
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in plane survey the surface of earth assume as plane or straight its uses as limited distance where as in geodetic survey surface of earth assume as curve its use in long distance.

What accessories are used in plane table surveying?

Some common accessories used in plane table surveying include alidade for sighting, drawing paper for recording field observations, drawing instruments like pencils and rulers for sketching, and a tripod for stabilizing the plane table.

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Plain surveying means the survey in which earth surface is considered as to be flat or plain i.e. its curvature is ignored. Geodetic survey is the survey in which curvature of the earth is taken into count and then surveying is done.

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A geometric compass is an instrument, or a tool, used in plane geometry to draw arcs and circles. Not to be confused with the geometric and military compass invented by Galileo.

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What is the difference between plane survey and geodetic survey?

Plain surveying means the survey in which earth surface is considered as to be flat or plain i.e. its curvature is ignored. Geodetic survey is the survey in which curvature of the earth is taken into count and then surveying is done.

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Allows for mapping without the need for specialized instruments. Can be used to quickly establish control points for larger surveys. Provides a visual representation of the surveyed area for easy interpretation by surveyors.

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