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Q: What are the four cardinal points and there uses?
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What are the four main points on any compass called?

They are called Cardinal points. North, south, east and west

What points of directions are sub-cardinal points?

The sub-cardinal points are the directions located halfway between the cardinal points on a compass. They include northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest. These points provide more precise navigational guidance than just the four cardinal points.

What are the four main cardinal point?

The four main cardinal points are North, South, East, and West. They are used as reference points for navigation and orientation on maps.

What are the four main points on a compass are called?

The four cardinal points on a compass are North, South, East, and West.

What way is north south west and east?

The four cardinal directions or cardinal points of the compass.

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What are the four points on a compass called?

The cardinal points of the compass are North, East, South and West. Another name for them is the cardinal directions.

What are the four points on a compass?

The four points on a compass are north, south, east, and west. They represent the main directions on a compass rose and are used for navigation and orientation.

What do you call the directions between the cardinal points of a compose?

The cardinal directions of a compass are N - E - S - W. (North, East, South, West)The directions between those cardinal points are the four intercardinal (or ordinal) directions:northeastnorthwestsoutheastsouthwest

What are the 16 cardinal points?

16 cardinal points are

Cardinal points also refers to what instrument?

Cardinal points most commonly refers to the points north, south, east and west as shown on a compass. A compass is an instrument that uses the magnetic force of the earth to determine which direction is north.

What does place the four major or cradinal on a compass mean?

The "cardinal points" of a compass are north, south, east and west. In between these are the "semi-cardinal" points,, NE, NW, SE, and SW.